It Doesn’t Have to Feel Like This

Being a new or expecting parent is filled with so many emotions - love and joy beyond what you thought was possible, but also fear, exhaustion, uncertainty. Having depression or anxiety during this time not only affects you, but the health and functioning of your whole family. You don’t have to sacrifice your well-being in order to be a good parent - in fact, your whole family will benefit by you getting the help you need.

Medication Management

Whether you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or going through fertility treatment, I will manage medications to help keep you mentally and emotionally well. I will thoroughly discuss the available evidence regarding the safety of these medications during these times, and work with you to create a regimen that is safe and effective.


One-time Reproductive Psychiatry Consultation

Many patients have an established relationship with a psychiatrist and don’t want to switch doctors when they become pregnant. I offer one-time consultations, during which we will thoroughly review your current medication regimen and discuss recommendations for adjustments during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I will provide you and your psychiatrist with a comprehensive report that details my recommendations so that you can continue to work together and feel confident that your treatment regimen is safe.


General Adult Psychiatry

Although I specialize in reproductive psychiatry, I also practice general adult psychiatry, meaning I regularly see men, women, and non-binary persons for medication management of psychiatric disorders. I often manage depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, as well as many other psychiatric issues. I am committed to creating an environment that supports inclusivity and respect of all people regardless of race, color, culture, religion, spiritual practice, sex, age, socioeconomic status, perceived or actual sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, relationship status or configuration, national origin or physical and mental abilities.